Let me paint a lovely picture for you….it’s Friday night, you are sitting in crazy traffic for over an hour in the middle of a horrible rainstorm to get to the airport. After finally getting through the delightful security line, you arrive at your gate. An hour passes reading a magazine and finally it’s about time to board the plane when you hear the last five words you want to hear at that moment; “YOUR FLIGHT HAS BEEN CANCELED.”
Yes, sadly my flight to Colorado was canceled due to weather conditions so I was not able to make my brother his first home cooked meal since returning from overseas. L The good news is I’m going to use my ticket to fly out in a couple weeks and visit him then. The other good news is I was able to attend Maya’s Oscar party and boy was I glad. The food was seriously on point. Smoked salmon and caviar blinis?! Yes please!!
Last night, I had a craving for something spicy and sweet, and found a terrific recipe to fulfill my craving here. Since my grill is currently out of gas, I made these spicy chicken wings in a nonstick pan on the stove. I adjusted the time to 40 minutes over medium heat, turning the chicken every 10 minutes. I also added some shrimp to mix things up. I cooked the shrimp for 2 minutes on each side until pink over medium heat. Finger lickin’ good! The glaze packs a spicy punch, but has a nice sweet tang so you don’t completely burn your mouth off. I am looking forward to trying these out on the grill as soon as I get my gas tank filled up! (I can be quite the procrastinator at times).